World Record Holder
Originating from Sichuan Opera, face-changing is a second-degree state secret; Wai-style face-changing art is even more fantastic and wonderful, and has been accredited as a state treasure. Founder Wai Shui-Kwan is now the best-known face-changing master. With distinctive styles created by himself, he has traveled around the world in the past two decades and brought wonderful performances to large companies’ anniversary celebrations and important ceremonies. He even showcased the quintessence of Chinese culture in front of foreign state leaders. Wai Shui-Kwan is the first artist to bring Sichuan’s valuable face-changing techniques to Hong Kong. Besides, he has figured out new creations to enrich the performance and make it more fantastic on the stage. His performances are totally different. After a show, he removes his cloak and hat so that the curious audience can have a good look at him. Much to the audience’s surprise, he comes very close to the audience and shakes hands with them, and suddenly changes faces.
In recent years he has made fresh breakthroughs to make the art form more amazing. On a program on China Central Television in 2007, he set a record of changing 44 faces; a year later, he broke the record with 58 faces. In June 2010, he made an amazing attempt on a TV program with his daughter Hathor Wai - they changed a total of 102 faces, setting a new world record; he changed 70 faces alone. Three months later, he challenged himself again on a Taiwan TV show, and once again created a new record with 76 faces changed on the show.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Characteristics of face-changing performances
Good postures and momentum
With years of school education in drama courses, he is a distinctive artist and can make good postures and movements on the stage.
Rapid and miraculous
He can make face masks without any disguise and change
faces in a flash.
Many face masks can be changed.
Generally speaking, he can change 25-30 faces in a show,
more than most performers.
In the middle of a performance, he will come into the auditorium
and meet with guests face to face. When he shakes hands with
guests, he may suddenly change a face.
Unexpected surprise
At any moment before a show is wrapped up, he may suddenly
show a company’s logo or a personal portrait on his face.
劉德華先生 |
粵劇名伶-陳劍聲小姐 |
楊紫瓊小姐 |
梅艷芳小姐 |
張耀榮先生、薛家燕女士 |
張學友先生 |
張學友先生 |
張達明先生 |
國民黨榮譽主席-吳伯雄先生 |
徐小明先生 |
修哥 |
范徐麗泰 GBS |
肥媽 |
汪明荃博士 |
李嘉誠爵士 |
李嘉欣小姐 |
(李東海太平紳士) |
成龍大哥 |
全國政協副主席-董建華GBM |
薛家燕小姐 |
2009 傑出華人頒獎禮 |
曾志偉先生、張權先生 |
國際鋼琴家劉詩昆先生 |
全國人大代表范徐麗泰GBS |
潘長江先生 |
劉德華先生 |
洪金寶大哥 |
中東世界珠寶大王父子 |
Past performances
ARA Sping Dinner 2016 | 演藝人協會10周年晚宴 | 2001 Hong Kong Junior Chamber |
中華人文共和國成立50周年文藝晚會 | 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所晚宴2014 | 東盟會議招待晚宴-中銀香港 |
綜藝大哥大2010 | Hong Kong Live At The Grove 2013 | 麥當勞叔叔慈善之家 2010 |
訊匯集團晚宴 2014 | 藏酒軒 2014 | 國際青少年繪畫表賽2013 |
CPA Globe | 廣東社團總會新春宴會 2001 | 香港貿易發展局活動 2009 |
美高梅-樂得思蜀 2014 | 畢馬威會計師事務所 2014 | 陽江社團總會 2008 |
博祿集團 2011 | 中華名人錄 2013 | Franco Dragone Party 2012 |
Honeywell Dinner 2014 |